Emu is an Australian bird. On an average it grows up to 6ft and weighs 45 to 50 Kgs. Emu meat has high content of proteins in it and is 98% fat free too. Doctor’s recommend this Emu meat for diabetic and heart patients. Emu oil is extracted from the bird, this oil has many medicinal properties. It can be used for treating more than 105 different skin ailments, burns and joint pains etc
Emu oil is widely used in pharmaceutical companies. It's feathers, toe nails and skin are used widely in the fashion industry. In this way the entire bird is of use to man and there is absolutely no waste from it. Currently we're focusing on growing the population of the bird.
Emu Business started in India from the year 1996 and with great pleasure to say that since last 14 Years Emu business gives excellent profit comparing with all other business. We can guarantee you this is the only one business that can be called as "Only Profit No loss Business". Now almost all parts of India people are ready to invest in the Emu business. Every year the demand is increasing 200%.
- Investments:
- Buying 10 pairs of 3 months old Emu birds
- Cost of 10 pairs of Emu birds is Rs. 1,40,000/- (Rs.7000/- each bird approx.)
- Cost of fencing and shed Rs. 60,000/- (one time)
- Feed cost per year for 10 pairs of emu birds- Rs. 40,000/- to Rs.50,000/- (depending upon local market feed cost)
- Income:
- Emu birds start laying eggs after 18 months
- First time 10 pairs of Emu will give 120 eggs (each bird lays 10 – 15 eggs in first year and it will increase up to 30 to 40 eggs in later years)
- According to this project ,you will get Rs.1,20,000/- in starting year and more than Rs. 2 Lakhs in later years . (Todays market value per egg is Rs. 500/- so (120 eggs X Rs. 1000/- = Rs. 120000/- )
- This income will continue for 30 years as Emu will lay eggs for more than 30 years. (If you slaughter the bird after 2 years,you will get income on each part of Emu.. 30000/- to 40,000/- per bird approx.. depending upon market price)
The Timeless Emu
The emu is a prehistoric, flightless bird which roamed the outback of Australia 80 million years ago.
Today, this bird of the past is playing a large role in the future of Indian agriculture. Mature emu breeder hens can produce 20 - 50 chicks each year (October to April season) and can be productive for 20 years or more, making them far more profitable than traditional livestock.
The Emu Diet
In the wild, emu eat fruits, flowers, insects, seeds and green vegetation; they love caterpillars. To aid in their digestive process, they will swallow large stones. They need water daily.
On Indian farms, emu are raised on feed formulated to optimize growth. They are housed in spacious pens providing ample room to grow. Emu grow to be between 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall and weigh 30 to 45 kgs.
Emu Eggs and Chicks
Emu eggs are dark green. The female lays an egg every 3 to 5 days. As she lays the eggs, the male (called a rooster) will cover them with leaves, grass, straw or whatever is available until he is ready to start incubating them. When there are at least 9 eggs, the male will start sitting on the nest. The male will incubate the eggs for 52 to 56 days. During this time, he will not eat or drink. When the eggs hatch, the first thing he will do is eat the eggshell. This helps to get his system going, and also hides evidence of the chicks from predators. The chicks will stay with the rooster until they are grown.
On farms, the eggs are usually picked up by the farmer and put into an electric incubator. If the father is allowed to hatch, he is provided with food and water.
Emu chicks are cream colored with brown and tan stripes. As they grow older, they loose their stripes. By the time they are 6 months old, they will be a chocolate brown color. By the time they are 2 years old, they will have lost the chocolate colored feathers in favor of the lighter colored feathers of the adults.
The emu is a prehistoric, flightless bird which roamed the outback of Australia 80 million years ago.
Today, this bird of the past is playing a large role in the future of Indian agriculture. Mature emu breeder hens can produce 20 - 50 chicks each year (October to April season) and can be productive for 20 years or more, making them far more profitable than traditional livestock.
The Emu Diet
In the wild, emu eat fruits, flowers, insects, seeds and green vegetation; they love caterpillars. To aid in their digestive process, they will swallow large stones. They need water daily.
On Indian farms, emu are raised on feed formulated to optimize growth. They are housed in spacious pens providing ample room to grow. Emu grow to be between 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall and weigh 30 to 45 kgs.
Emu Eggs and Chicks
Emu eggs are dark green. The female lays an egg every 3 to 5 days. As she lays the eggs, the male (called a rooster) will cover them with leaves, grass, straw or whatever is available until he is ready to start incubating them. When there are at least 9 eggs, the male will start sitting on the nest. The male will incubate the eggs for 52 to 56 days. During this time, he will not eat or drink. When the eggs hatch, the first thing he will do is eat the eggshell. This helps to get his system going, and also hides evidence of the chicks from predators. The chicks will stay with the rooster until they are grown.
On farms, the eggs are usually picked up by the farmer and put into an electric incubator. If the father is allowed to hatch, he is provided with food and water.
Emu chicks are cream colored with brown and tan stripes. As they grow older, they loose their stripes. By the time they are 6 months old, they will be a chocolate brown color. By the time they are 2 years old, they will have lost the chocolate colored feathers in favor of the lighter colored feathers of the adults.
Emu are members of the ratite family of birds, along with ostrich, rhea, cassowary and kiwi.
Emu are members of the ratite family of birds, along with ostrich, rhea, cassowary and kiwi.
Ratites have flat breastbones and no wing muscles, so they cannot fly, but have instead developed strong legs for running. An emu can run 40 miles per hour for short distances.
Emu have 3 toes, the underside of each is flat with a broad pad.Emu have two main calls, a throbbing drum (by the female) and a grunt (by the male). The chicks whistle and the male will whistle to them.
Emu feathers are unique because both the primary and secondary feathers are the same length. Each feather has two shafts, with barbs so widely spaced that they do not interlock to form a firm vane as in most birds. Instead, they form a loose, hair-like body covering.
The Totally Useable Bird
When emu are processed, the fat is refined into a safe and stable oil, used in health and cosmetic products. The low-fat, mild flavored red meat is sold to health conscious consumers. The exceptionally durable, supple and breathable leather is crafted into beautiful goods.
When emu are processed, the fat is refined into a safe and stable oil, used in health and cosmetic products. The low-fat, mild flavored red meat is sold to health conscious consumers. The exceptionally durable, supple and breathable leather is crafted into beautiful goods.
In addition, emu feathers, toenails and egg shells are being used in unique fashion, jewelry and craft designs. The feathers are also being used in high-tech industrial cleaning applications.
Some useful websites to guide you about emu farming
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